Turn your family and professional relationships into an opportunity of development and personal satisfaction.

Discover how through Strategic Neurocoaching you boost your affective and effective connections to create extraordinary powerful personal and professional relationships in your family business.

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When business conflicts begin to influence your personal relationships, you need help

In family businesses, personal and professional relationships get mixed and is usual that tensions and conflicts appear, which may then have an impact not only on business decisions, but also on your personal life.

Perhaps your situation is that there is no one in your family who wants to replace you in your family business, even though all expectations were placed on that family member.

It could be that each of you are place in your assigned role and everything is blurred. Because of this everyone feels helplessness and shocked to generate even more tensions and resentment for not respecting each one your place or exceeding the limits by some member of your family.

Perhaps decision-making becomes a battleground for your family and that has taken its toll on your family relationships.

Increase your own self-esteem and that of your family circle

Understanding your interactions and patterns that influence the quality of your relationship gives you back power and restores self-esteem by expanding your own well-being and your closest ones.

Get clarity on your decision making

By clearing and getting clarity, you will see the north star that is the focus and empowers you to make consistent decisions genuinely with yourself.

Develop assertive and effective communication techniques

With the active listening you understand and recognize how you are operating, so you take control in your internal communication and with others without any distortion and with total clarity.

Manage your emotions and limit your problems

Learn to understand your feelings and to recognize and manage emotions without ruining you individually or your relationships.

If you are going through any of these situations, in DE2A2 we can help you

There are moments in life when we feel stuck and it is brave, intelligent and human to simply ask for help to move forward and grow in your personal and professional relationships without destroy your existence or your relationships. We are here for those moments.

Emotions and interpersonal relationships interfere with the business

Learning to listen to yourself changes the angle you experience your relationships with, either in your family, professional and personal life.

Your business efficiency depends on the quality of your relationships

Bind your ties and agreements with all parties to strengthen your family business.

The blocks limit you to contribute with your best version in your family business.

Determine where to focus on to reconnect you again and remove all blockers where you feel you are, you are not the only ones, it is usual!

Communication opens doors to better alignment in the business

Communicate assertively as an crucial requirement for your growth, your relationships and your family business.

More than 15 years

Over the years we have accompanied businesses and people with repeated patterns. Although somehow in different, the root of the problem was always the same: the business, whether family or professional, was impacted by personal interests that had to be solved.

How our Customers changed

Dare to face the situation to make your relationships extraordinarily powerful

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